1. Why is residual dirt analysis so important?
Because we know that cleanliness is a key factor affecting reliability and service life, we thoroughly and thoroughly inspect all parts for residual particles from parts to assembly groups. Wash and clean the parts repeatedly to remove residual particles. For example, use tools such as spray guns to clean the inside of holes, or use high pressure during the washing process. After cleaning, we then use the method of microscopic analysis to check the size and distribution of the particles. The inspection results are important to verify our high-quality standards, some of which are stricter than government regulations. They also help us identify the cause and source of pollution.
2.What effect will the residual particles attached to the parts have?
Our parts have narrow tolerances, high-precision fittings, and small microscopic openings. Tiny particles remaining in the injectors, pumps, and control units can cause malfunctions and cause serious consequences, even the failure of the entire fuel injection system. Our injector injects fuel into the engine through unimaginable tiny through holes. It is well known that particles of specific sizes equal to or larger than these locations can cause problems. This is especially true for the ejector control system. On the contrary, the interaction of different pressures can be controlled by tiny inner holes. If a chip is stuck in the hole, the function of the entire fuel injection system will be impaired.
3. Can optical microscope particle analysis meet the requirements?
Optical inspection is the preferred method of routine inspection. It not only provides reliable results quickly, but also saves costs. We are not interested in whether the parts are "clinically" clean. The question we must pay attention to is whether there are particles, how big the particles are, and whether they will cause malfunctions. The particles are classified according to their size, and the particles are assigned to functionally related categories. According to the category, the corresponding application is carried out to obtain the result of the manufacturing process. Generally speaking, extremely small particles are not *critical. The reason why we record them is to detect any changes in the manufacturing process early. In special cases, we will use expensive and time-consuming scanning electron microscopy inspections-for example, if we want to examine the exact composition of the particles.