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Dr.J Scientific provides a comprehensive portfolio of advanced analytical instruments for foundries

Production processes in steel and non-ferrous foundries are frequently controlled and monitored with stationary metal analyzers. The W5 OES as well as the W6 OES can be employed depending on the specialization, the number of casting processes and the semi-finished and finished products being produced. The W4 OES is generally used by small companies.

The CS8820S Carbon Sulfur Analyzer used to analysis the C and S in the foundry parts, these two elements are playing very important role in the metal. Some special foundry also need ONH-2018 to determine Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen

Trace analysis of industrial waste water and liquids from production processes, e.g., of electrolyte and coating baths, is a typical application for the ICP spectrometers, such as the TY-9900 ICP-AES with detection limits in ppb/ppm ranges making them excellently suited to this task. But even for the analysis of the main components, ICP achieves highest precision using the “nesting procedure.” The technology can be easily automated, making a high sample throughput and even unattended operation realizable.
Chemical, physical and structural,
cleanliness analysis solution supplier
Nowadays we help users better understand a wide variety of materials, from polymers and mining to metals and from electronic chip to component.



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 No. 35 Jingsheng Rd., Huishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China.
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